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# Makefile for RDA client examples

SHELL = /bin/sh
USR_LOCAL = /ps/local/Linux

RDA_HOME = ../../..
include $(RDA_HOME)/cpp/mk/

# C++ compiler and flags
CXX = /usr/bin/g++

# The rule to compile .cpp files
#%.o: %.cpp
#       @rm -f $@
#       @echo "=> compiling $<"
#       @$(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ $<

# Libraries
#LIBS = -L$(USR_LOCAL)/lib \
 #  -static -lrda -lOBEServer -lJTC -lpthread

# Canned command sequence used to make executables
#define MAKE_EXEC
#@rm -f $@
#@echo "=> linking $@"
#@$(CXX) $^ $(LIBS) -o $@

EXAMPLES = getSync getAsync monitor subscription

all : $(EXAMPLES)

getSync : GetSync.o

getAsync : GetAsync.o

subscription : Subscription.o

monitor : Monitor.o

clean :
        @echo "=> removing object files"
        @rm -f *.o core

clobber : clean
        @echo "=> removing binaries"
        @rm -f $(EXAMPLES)

RDA-2.3 documentation - 27 Jun 2007 - N.Trofimov