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Implementation of the Device class from Device Server Example.
See also:



#include "Property.h"

// A little utility class that provides "exception safe" mutex locking. 
// The constructor calls lock() and the destructor calls unlock() on the 
// specified mutex. This makes it impossible to leave a function containing 
// a Lock object without unlocking the mutex, even if an exception is thrown
// in the function.
class Lock
   pthread_mutex_t* mut;

      Lock(pthread_mutex_t& m) : mut(&m)


// The simulated power supply device.
class Device
   // The device name
   char* name;

   // The mutex which is used to synchronize access to the device data
   pthread_mutex_t deviceAccess;

   // The array of pointers to the device properties.
   // Implements the Device --> Property relationship.
   Property** properties;
   int numProperties;

   // Returns a pointer to the property or throws rdaBadParameter if the 
   // property is not found in the device (used in device access methods).
   Property* findProperty(const char* property)
      Property* result = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < numProperties; i++)
         if (!strcmp(properties[i]->getName(), property))
            result = properties[i];
      if (result == 0) throw rdaBadParameter("No such property");
      return result;

      // Constructor: creates properties and initializes the device
      // access mutex.
      Device(const char* deviceName)
         name = strdup(deviceName);
         numProperties = 2;
         properties = new Property* [numProperties];
         properties[0] = new Measurement;
         properties[1] = new Setting;
         pthread_mutex_init(&deviceAccess, 0);

      // Destructor: deletes properties and destroys the device access mutex
      virtual ~Device()
         for (int i = 0; i < numProperties; i++) delete properties[i];
         delete [] properties;
         delete name;


      // Returns the device name (used in DeviceServer)
      const char* getName()
         return name;
      // Updates the measurement value (called from DeviceServer::update()).
      void update()
         Lock lock(deviceAccess);
         // Calculate simulated measurement value as
         //    setting value + random jitter
         int r = rand() % 100;
         double jitter = ((double)r)/10.0 - 5.0;
         double newValue = properties[1]->getValue() + jitter;
         // Update the measurement value

      // Device access methods
      // =====================
      // All device access methods first try to look up the target property.
      // If the property is not found in the device, findProperty() will 
      // throw the rdaBadParameter exception. This exception is not caught 
      // here: RDA will pass it to the calling client. If findProperty() 
      // returns normally, then the calls are delegated further to the 
      // property objects.
      rdaData* get(const char* propName)
         Lock lock(deviceAccess);
         Property* property = findProperty(propName);
         return property->get();
      void set(const char* propName, const rdaData& value)
         Lock lock(deviceAccess);
         Property* property = findProperty(propName);
      void monitorOn(const char* propName, rdaValueChangeListener* listener)
         Lock lock(deviceAccess);
         Property* property = findProperty(propName);

      void monitorOff(const char* propName, rdaValueChangeListener* listener)
         Lock lock(deviceAccess);
         Property* property = findProperty(propName);


RDA-2.3 documentation - 27 Jun 2007 - N.Trofimov