rdaAccessDenied | Indicates an error related to RBAC: an operation is not authorized |
rdaBadParameter | Indicates that an illegal or inappropriate argument has been passed to a method |
rdaBadToken | Indicates an error related to RBAC: a token is malformed or its signature is incorrect |
rdaData | Allows clients and servers to exchange values whose types are not fixed at compile time |
rdaDataCodec | This utility class allows to convert rdaData objects to byte arrays and reconstruct them from the binary representation |
rdaDataEntry | Objects of this class serve as containers that can hold a value of different types |
rdaDataIterator | An iterator over an rdaData object |
rdaException | The common superclass for a number of exceptions that can be thrown by the RDA subsystem |
rdaInternalError | Thrown when a serious problem is detected in RDA |
rdaInternalException | Thrown to indicate an internal error in the RDA subsystem |
rdaIOError | Indicates an error in the low level I/O software/firmware/hardware used in the device servers |
rdaLogger | Defines a general API for message logging and allows to connect it to a system specific logging facility |
rdaLoggerFactory | A factory for the rdaLogger objects |
rdaNoConnection | Thrown to indicate that a remote device could not be contacted (for example, because the device server is down) |
rdaTimeOut | This exception is thrown when an operation on a device does not terminate within the specified time limit |
rdaTokenExpired | Indicates an error related to RBAC: a token has expired |
rdaTypeMismatch | Thrown by "extract" methods of the rdaData and rdaDataEntry class to indicate that the actual type of the contained data does not correspond to the expected type |