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DeviceServerBase.h File Reference

Declaration of the rdaDeviceServerBase class. More...

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class  rdaDeviceServerBase
 An abstract class that provides the RDA connectivity for device servers implemented as its derived classes. More...


enum  ServerStatus { STATUS_GREEN = 0, STATUS_YELLOW = 1, STATUS_RED = 2 }
 Indicates the status of a device server. More...

Detailed Description

Declaration of the rdaDeviceServerBase class.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum ServerStatus

Indicates the status of a device server.

See also:


Enumeration values:
STATUS_GREEN  Everything is fine.
STATUS_YELLOW  Something went wrong, but the server is still operational.
STATUS_RED  A serious problem with the server.

RDA-2.3 documentation - 27 Jun 2007 - N.Trofimov