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The log4j logo

Currently, Apache Chainsaw v2 can be used to view all CMW logs event.There is two kinds of events that can be watched:

  • Old events by viewing abcmw1 stored log files.
  • Current events by connecting to abcmw1 log source.
To launch Chainsaw from your web browser you need a working Java Web start.

Chainsaw can be launched with our configuration directly from your web browser Launch Chainsaw from your web browser.

Viewing abcmw1 log events in real time

To view abcmw1 log events in real time, simply click on the "abcmw1" tab has shown in the picture bellow.

The abcmw1 log tab

Viewing stored log files

To view CMW log files, do the followings steps regarding next picture :

  1. Open the "File" menu
  2. Move the cursor on the "MRU..." menu item
  3. Click on the file you want to see
The abcmw1 log tab

The files starting with CMWcentral are central logs, they contains all events. Files starting with CMWerrors contains only error events.